Thursday, May 29, 2008

Kids are surprising!

We had our "End of School" night @ THRIVE last night.  It was fun, talked about EHUD and cutting the "fat" out of our lives so we can focus on following God without all the distractions.

After all the students were gone it was my wife and I and our 3 children remaining in the parking lot.  It's usually an ordeal to see who the kids are riding with home.  Last night they all choose to jump in my car with me.  We had the all buckled up - and then my son changes his mind and wants to ride home with mommy.

I was somewhat frustrated... we're already buckled we live less than 2 min from the church... just sit down and lets go!

But he jumped out and ran to his mothers vehicle and jumped in.

When I got home, my wife said that my son said the sweetest thing to her....

Mommy... I just didn't want you to be alone!

How sweet of my son... and how true for us.
We were created for relationships and we just don't want to be alone.
So today...take time to acknowledge your creator who loves you, wants to live in you, and doesn't want you to do life ALONE!

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Wake Boarding

Ok... so I almost forgot.
I wake boarded for the first time on Monday... well I guess I should say I got up on a wakeboard for the first time.  It was nice... I didn't stay up long... but I was up.  I got up 3 times... was beginning to get the hang of it... when I had to return to shore and take the kids to the bathroom! 

Arghhh those kids and their tiny bladders!

Anyway... next time out... sure to be a wake boarding fool!

Thanks Dick for letting us use your boat!

Sorry not photographic evidence of this one.

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

I Lost My Job... and It's Exciting!

Ok... so yesterday I got the news... I lost my job, and it's been exciting to say the least!

Now before you start boo hooing... or calling the church office demanding to know what the deal is... or gossiping about what horrible thing I must have done to lose my job... 

All I really mean to say is...

We've hired a new student ministry pastor.   <: )

We heard yesterday that he was going to take the job, and we're really excited.  Not because we're moving out of student ministry, not because I will only have one title now (although it will be some relief), not because we've been looking for over a year and it seems like we've been so close so many times....

but because we've waited on God and found the "RIGHT" guy.  He's pumped and excited about being apart of this team and taking the student ministry to the next level and beyond.
That is why this is exciting... I feel like this guy will be able to do some amazing things with and for students and their families. 

He'll be here in a few weeks so just hang on for a little bit longer....
I'm not saying his name, cause I don't want it to get out - you never know who reads this stuff.
I want him to be able to make his exit at his current church on his terms.

So be praying for him and his wife - it's almost done! ... and then... it's just begun!

Thursday, May 22, 2008


So we're doing this series in our student ministry called "Obscure"... basically looking at people in the Bible that we may just skim over... but who have an amazing story.

Last Night one of our graduates, David Nichols, spoke on Mordecai.  He spoke of taking a stand for Christ even when it seems like everything is stacked against you... great job! 

But while David was in my office I was reading for my own spiritual growth.  I've been reading through the book of Judges, and I came across some passages, that normally I would skim over and move on.... you know.... this guy came in turned the people back to God, he died, the people went back to worshipping idols... over and over again... 

But as I was reading I was looking for that obscure story ... AND I FOUND IT...

I don't want to say to much - but I think this is the best story of all time.  

EHUD is the MAN!

Check it out read it, see if you can find the obscure story behind the man!

I've been on the weight loss kick... lost almost 65 lbs... and this story just shows me another reason I don't want to be "fat" anymore.

A FAT king, a left handed judge, and a toilet!   

This story rocks!


Tuesday, May 6, 2008

I almost got arrested... or so I'm told

Ok... so if you're reading this, you must be really bored and have gone through all of the other blogs, and just wanted to see if perhaps I had written something again... well today you are in luck... I'm writting again!

well at least for one night.

Ok... so the word is out a little so I can write about this and not feel to bad for giving some stuff away. Sunday we're starting a series called SHINE 2008... we're reaching out to the community around us.
Well one of the creative ideas was to show a video behind one of the songs that was going to be sung on Sun.

The video consists of scenes from around the city... so today I took off in my car and started videotaping the city in action. One of the scenes needed to be a school. My wife now works for one of the local schools, and I wanted to see her anyway, so I went to her school (which is going to one of the sites for our service project).
While there I just drove around the parking lot videotaping (being sure not to tape kids faces and such, cause I didn't think that was appropriate).

Upon departing the school and arriving at my next stop, I get a phone call from my wife... who informs me that she happened upon a conversation in the hall of her school... that was somewhat frantic.
The gentlemen talking asked her if she had seen a suspicous car in the parking lot... she said no... cause to her, my car is not suspicious. They told her not to be alarmed and steps were being taken....

Out of curiousity... she asked for the description of the car... when it matched mine... she informed them of my intent to video for church and community outreach purposes....

apparently their next step was to call the police and have them search the city for the car... that's right an APB on me!


Well only in thought.... I'm truly glad I wasn't arrested, that Greg didn't have to bail me out, and the video did get shot - and some good footage too!

See ya on Sunday, you can tell me if you think it was worth the trouble.

Smile - God is Good - All the time!